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Three (3) Out of 10 People Infected With Coronavirus May Die – Medical Expert

A virologist and a DNA expert, Dr. Kenneth Frimpong has explained that three (3) out of ten (10) people infected with the dreaded coronavirus may die.

According to him, the deadly virus which has found its way into the country should be contained before it gets out of hand.

Speaking on Okay FM’s ‘Ade Akye Abia’ program, he explained that the virus attacks the immune systems of affected persons making them weak and eventually killing them.

But observing a lot of safety measures like exercising, healthy eating and washing of hands regularly will keep affected persons alive.

He, however, denied arguments that coronavirus does not affect black persons because they (virus) are unable to survive in the tropics.

Coronavirus is no respecter of person. It affects people of all kinds of irrespective of color. But the good news is it does not kill instantly and that the survival of affected persons is very high.

He has, therefore, urged Ghanaians to listen and observe the safety measures announced by the government and the health practitioners.

Ghana has so far tested 66 suspected cases of coronavirus at the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research and Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research.

The disease since it was reported in late last year in Hubei Province of Wuhan in China, the epicenter of the disease, has spread to 120 countries and territories with 118,000 reported cases and about 4000 deaths.

Symptoms of Coronavirus include; fever, cough, and difficulty in breathing which could be fatal.

The disease is spread through coughing and sneezing; close personal unprotected by touching or contact with an infected person).

Presently, various treatment options are being explored, there is no cure, treatment is mainly symptomatic, there is no vaccine and prevention is mainly by adherence to cough and sneezing etiquette and improved personal hygiene.

Source: peacefmonline

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