Lynx Entertainment signee Kuami Eugene has reacted to the doom prophecy made by Reindolf Douro Gyebi alias Eagle Prophet a few days ago.
According to the prophet, people have targeted the musician and have taken his pictures to places to bring him down. The Eagle prophet went on to say that he saw Kuami Eugene traveling to his home town, the same way as late Ebony did.
“…any of you that knows this young guy called Kuami Eugene, his pictures have been taken to places to bring him down. That young guy should rise up and pray, he shouldn’t joke with his destiny. Because they are bringing him down”.
Kuami Eugene has criticized the founder of God’s Crown Chapel, Reindolf Oduro Gyebi, for how he revealed dark prophesy about him.
Speaking in an interview with Hitz FM’s Noella Kharyne Yalley, the singer said the prophet should always be careful when putting out such sensitive information about people.
“At the end of the day, if not for anything, I’m a young boy and the kinds of words that come out of people’s mouth [can be] dangerous,” he stated.
According to the Prophet, some people and colleagues of Kuami Eugene have taken his pictures to places to bring him down.
“I don’t know what’s behind this whole thing, that is why reasonably, I think people should just calm down on how they put information out there,” Kuami Eugene added.
He said that a lot of people, his family especially have been calling him since the news broke.
He believes that his family is quite spiritual and are praying for him.
“I’m from a family which is Godly,” he assured his fans.