Islam is the only way to heaven and without It, Allah will thrown people into hell fire.
According the founder of the Let the Bible and Quran Speak, sheikh Illyas lamented that, the bible has made it clear and even talks about islam but these so called pastors never preaches about it because if they do, the offering won’t come again . he added
Some of the bible cotations he revealed which talks about is as follows
1. zaphania 3 vrs 9
The God says I will give one language to a Certain people and In that language that they will worship him.
Meaning when you visit the mosque to pray, you will find different tribe of people and even different people from other countries but they all say Allahu Akbar which is Allah is great in one language which they have been praying. that’s Arabic
2. Exodus 30 vrs 17 which talks about ablution
That’s where moses washed his feet and prayed like a Muslim
3. Numbers 20 vrs 6. Where moses prayed in an islamic way. He felt on his face and pray .
4.Matthew 26, 36 to 39. Jesus christ prayed like a moslem.
He therefore dare any pastor to show him in the bible where Jesus said I’m God so worship as some Christians used to say or sees Jesu’s as God and he promise to become a christian if such Quotation is been found in the bible. he added
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