
Woman Seeks Divorce Two Days After Wedding

She felt betrayed and accused her husband of constantly wearing a ghutra on his head.

The case was dubbed “the oddest divorce case he had ever seen” by the husband’s lawyer. He went on to say that if a woman discovers a disagreeable and persistent flaw in her husband that she was unaware of at the time of the engagement, she has the right to seek an annulment of the marriage.

Abu Dhabi: Only two days after their wedding, a Saudi woman used her husband’s baldness as a pretext to divorce him, according to local media.

The woman stated in her petition that she wanted a divorce because her husband hid his baldness by wearing a ghutra, a traditional Saudi cotton headpiece, during and before their engagement.

The couple had barely been married for two days when the lawsuit was filed.

The problem surfaced during a family court-sponsored counseling session.

In Saudi Arabia, reconciliation efforts are required in divorce cases.

The woman reportedly informed the counsellor that the male used to cover his head with the ghutra before they married, but that after they married, she discovered he was bald.

She claimed the man kept his baldness a secret from her. She explained to the counsellor that she was seeking a divorce because she felt betrayed.

She claimed he kept it a well guarded secret, but when she saw him without the headpiece a few days ago, she discovered he was entirely bald. “I’m humiliated in front of my friends and family, and I’m worried that my children will develop baldness.” “It’s becoming increasingly tough for me to live with him,” she admitted.

The officials at the marriage counselling center tried to calm her down and persuade her not to seek divorce over such a minor problem, but she was insistent.

The pair was offered a new date for another session of counseling in the hopes that the woman would reconsider her decision.

The case was dubbed “the oddest divorce case he had ever seen” by the husband’s lawyer. He went on to say that if a woman discovers a disagreeable and persistent flaw in her husband that she was unaware of at the time of the engagement, she has the right to seek an annulment of the marriage.

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