
Wives Shouldn’t Attack Side Chicks – Charlotte Oduro Ddvises

Counsellor Charlotte Oduro has advised wives not to attack their husbands’ side chicks.

In an interview on Oyerapa FM with Wilson Parker, the famed marriage and relationship expert counselled wives to use precautionary measures when they find out their husbands have new mistresses.

She maintained that fighting another woman because of a man is foolish because one might lose her life for an unworthy cause.

Counsellor Charlotte opines that women should desist from fighting a cheating husband because any man who decides to cheat will do so without remorse.

“What worries me is that some women have lost their lives to marriages. We don’t die to marry, but we live to marry. A man who cheats on his wife is a mature person. If a man decides to cheat, he will cheat regardless of what his wife does.”

“Ignore your cheating husband. Most cheating men can’t stand when you ignore them when they expect their wives to react. When a woman knows her pace and she is busy working, a man cannot stand it”.

“It’s unwise for a wife to attack a side-chick, especially in their house. When you go to her house and she damages you, there’s no sense in it. So wives should know how to manage their emotions to avoid trouble”.

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