

The sad story of a young guy who is know a KWESI TAWAIAH who hails from Nsawam. A suburb in the Eastern region but now living in kumasi to hustle to earn money.

According to the young man, they are 3 guys One girl.
The elder brother is in Accra hustling.

Their father couldn’t cater for them at all so their mother died out of stress 3 years ago. Both parents were farmers.
Their mum was his last hope.

However, the noble woman catered for the 4 children from primary school to Senior high school with a pesewa of my father. He added

Kwesi Tawaiah wasn’t able to check out his WASSCE results to see whether he passed or failed just because he had an arrears to pay at school.

Also, after he couldn’t get access to his certificates from the senior high school, he decided to go out and find work to do so that he can make his younger sister to have the maximum education but here’s the case that his plans and decisions couldn’t go the way he wanted it.

Moreover, the discrepancy now is that, he’s not been paid for monthly when he works but on commission.
The more you sell, the more you get money.
He’s now into FAN ICE CREAM sometimes he will push the ice cream in a from Adum Pampaso to KNUST junction and he won’t even sell up-to 30 cedis aday. According to him when such happens that means he will go to bed empty stomach that particular day.

Furthermore due to the, kind of situation he has face the passed years after he lost his mom, and still his going through that again and again, sometimes his mind tells him to go for either BLOOD MONEY or SAKAWA
My younger sister leaves in my father’s house with my step mother and my she’s treating her bad.
She has hired a land and farming on it at Nsawam.
If my mother was to be alive, we wouldn’t have gone into this kind of situation.

Story filed by Ahmed Kamal

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