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Video: Rev. Badu-Kobi Is Into Occultism, Smokes Marijuana And Drinks Human Blood- Rev. Owusu Bempah

Founder and Leader of the Glorious Word & Power Ministry, Rev.Owusu Bempah has revealed some dark secrets about Rev.Badu-Kobi .

It goes a long way to indicate that he is not a genuine Man of God.

According to him, he is aware Badu Kobi smokes marijuana and even drinks human blood as witnessed by a friend.

Rev.Owusu Bempah has also disclosed that Rev. Badu -Kobi is into occultism and has an occultic room that is not open to any other person. 

According to him, one Junior Pastor of Badu Kobi got mad after he had entered the room. 

Later on after some months, Badu Kobi performed some rituals which restored the Junior pastor to the right state of mind.

Badu-Kobi is also alleged to have killed a young man in his church after a misunderstanding.

Interestingly,he once confessed in church that he was the responsible for the gentleman’s death.

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