Music & Videos ShowbizStonebwoy’s ‘OLOLO’ song ft Teni is a smash hit – Dada Hafcoghwishradioadmin13 September 2019 by ghwishradioadmin13 September 201902117 Ghanaian highlife artiste popularly known as Dada Hafco in a post on social media has revealed that, afro dancehall act Stonebwoy’s new song ft Nigeria’s...
Showbiz Fashion & BeautyKiki Banson is a liar, Praye is Bleeding – Choirmaster revealsghwishradioadmin17 August 20197 April 2020 by ghwishradioadmin17 August 20197 April 202001595 Member of the Praye Music group born Eugene Baah popularly known as Choirmaster in a post on a social media has revealed that , Kiki...
ShowbizEgo breaks music groups more than people think – Dada Hafco writesghwishradioadmin16 August 2019 by ghwishradioadmin16 August 20190509 Ghanaian Highlife Musician popularly known as Dada Hafco in a post on social media has revealed that, women or money is the reason music groups...