
NPP’s Mistakes Have Caused Hardship In Ghana – Kennedy Agyapong

Kennedy Agyapong

Kennedy Agyapong, a member of parliament (MP) for Assin Central, claims that the current administration made mistakes that contributed to the economic hardship Ghanaians are currently experiencing.

Kennedy Agyapong

He did not completely discount the effects of COVID-19 and the Russia-Ukraine conflict, which are ruining economies all across the world.

“I always say that if we had a vote today in the entire world, 80% of the sitting governments would lose because the population cannot take the misery everywhere, making every government unpopular,” he stated.

But he holds the opinion that several policies and programs were carried out incorrectly, which also contributed to the country’s difficulties.

I’ll also add that, in hindsight, there are some things we did wrong that, in my opinion, would have prevented the current state of the economy.

He vehemently criticized the money wasted on NABCO, saying that it might have instead been used to establish companies and hire kids instead of the three-year program that ended and left graduates who were enrolled jobless once more.

About 100,000 youngsters were engaged by NABCO at GHC700 per month, or GHC700 million. For these young men, we could have created enterprises with 700 million. Although there won’t be 100,000 people employed, “young men and women could find employment because of the sustainability,” he claimed.

He said that despite the NPP’s errors, it is important to “fight propaganda by the NDC because a same thing happened with President Kufour when the first six to seven years he did marvelously well and the world crude oil prices went up, transportation, food, Ghanaians could not forgive the NPP.”

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