
NPP Government Appointees Are A Bunch Of Toxic, Incompetent And Corrupt People – Fifi Kwetey

He stated that the government can no longer attribute the mess created in the economy to the Russia-Ukraine war and the COVID-19 pandemic thus going to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for support to revive the economy.

Speaking on Citi TV after his victory as the NDC scribe, Fifi Kwetey said “We have spoken about the complete deception of using COVID-19 as if COVID-19 did not happen or Russia, Ukraine did not happen in any part of the world. If you look at what was happening in these countries viz-a-viz what was happening in Ghana, you can see that this is a government that is massively deceiving the people and finding excuses.

“Why will anyone believe the government? Any serious person in this country who knows all that is happening in Africa will not take that story seriously.”

He indicated that the NDC will focus its 2024 election campaign on the ailing economy.

“Look at where they have taken our debt to. Have they fixed dumsor? Countries have faced COVID-19 but do they not have a stronger economy? So what is this excuse for COVID-19? Have they faced the Single Spine Salary that we had to face? These are plain excuses by a bunch of toxic and incompetent people who are corrupt to the core. That is what we have,” he stressed.

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