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MzBel Confirms That Prophet Gaisie Slept With Her As Kennedy Agyapong Said

As Hon Kennedy Agyapong turns his venom on exposing Prophet Nigel Gaisie, the general overseer of Prophetic Hill Chapel comes in the center of the drama. 

On Net2 TV’s ‘The Seat’ show last night, the exposé took a much interesting turn as Hon Kennedy Agyapong brought in Kakra Essien, a pastor who is alleged to be a junior pastor of Prophet Nigel Gaisie to help.

After Kakra Essien took his turn on the seat to make a lot of wild allegations against Nigel Gaisie, emphasizing how he has had $ekz with a lot of ladies in his church, the Assin Central MP took the seat to make the issues worse.

Just this morning, singer Mzbel, who has for some time now been blasting Prophet Nigel Gaisie and accusing him of being a fake prophet has taken to her social media pages to rejoice that Ghanaians have seen Nigel Gaisie for the fake man of God he is.

A photo seen on her Instagram page came with the caption: “VINDICATED ✊🏾
#Goddess #Mzbel #IndependentWoman“

Source: TheBbcghana

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