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LOCK DOWN: Man Arrested For Picking Up £15 Windows With His Wife In The Boot Of His Car.

Wonders as the saying always goes shall never end as we living in a crazy world full of miseries and uncertainties, According to a sacratic and a tale information sighted by from some social media platforms has it that of a driver who flouted the coronavirus lockdown to pick up £15 windows with his wife in the boot of his car.

The man, who had bought the windows on eBay, was stopped by police on the M6 in Cheshire on Sunday after collecting his purchase in Salford.

Police said his wife had to sit in the boot as she “could not fit in the vehicle” for the return journey to Coventry.

North West Motorway Police issued the man with a traffic offence report.

After the force tweeted news of the 220-mile round trip people reacted with a mixture of shock and disbelief.

Anthony Collier said: “I am amazed at how many people are still making unnecessary journeys.”

Jonny Evans quipped: “Maybe he saw a window of opportunity.”

The government has banned all non-essential travel amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Road block have been set up in some parts of the country, with police stopping drivers to check their journeys are for an essential purpose.

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