
Man Curses His Wife For Having 7 Secret Children After 21 Years Of Marriage

Man Curses His Wife For Having 7 Secret Children After 21 Years Of Marriage

A 56-year-old man has rained curses on her lovely wedded wife after he discovered that, his lovely wedded wife is secretly having seven children that he had no knowledge of.

The man identified as Mr Opanyin Osei Keyre Duah who has traditionally tied the knot with his wife Ama Anokyewaa for the last twenty-one years of marriage was said to have been dragged before the chief and elders of Opanyinman Kurom in the Western part of the country.

Interestingly, an eye witness reporter who reported this case to ShowbizGH indicated that the man, Mr Opanyin Keyre Duah who cursed his wife met the wife while working with a mining company twenty-five years ago and so no sign of her having kids elsewhere.

According to Opanyin Osei Kyere, his wife has never for the past years of their marriage disclosed such secret to him for all the best reasons known to her, and he is still in not in-terns with himself as to why for more than twenty years now someone could still keep such secret from him.

He further added that she never expected his wife to keep such secrets away from him since it happens not to be a problem to him since he loved his wife.

The man who looked disturbed shared that, he has already done his worse and he has currently been advised by the chief and his counsel to reverse the said curse so has done so.

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