The Member of Parliament for the Ayawaso West Wougon Constituency Hon. Lydia Seyram Alhassan received some brutal lashings on social media for putting a glaring image of herself in front of Mock Examination Question papers.
According to many opposing social media users, the act was needless and baseless and didn’t make an iota of sense.
The Member of Parliament Miss Lydia Alhassan who whipped popular actor John Dumelo by a slight margin to wear the crown of the constituency was at the brutal end of social media for her initiative to imprint her image in the minds of her constituents even those who are not yet eligible to vote.
According to information observed, the honorable member of Parliament sponsored the mock examination and a single student didn’t pay a dime to partake in the Mock examinations.
Note that: Mock Examinations are preparation tests for the actual test Basic Education Certificate Examination. Let’s check some of the comments below;