Life & Love

I’m Worried About Losing My New Man Who Fulfills All My Dreams And Desires Because I Am Secretly Pregnant For My Ex-Boyfriend

I am currently expecting a child with my ex-boyfriend, but I am now in a committed relationship with a man who fulfils all my dreams and desires.

Although I believe my ex would be happy to learn about the pregnancy, I am uncertain about how to approach this delicate situation with my current partner and my ex.

Fortunately, my new partner is understanding and already knows about my past relationship and how it ended. However, I am anxious that revealing the news of my pregnancy might jeopardize our relationship.

I find myself at a crossroads. I don’t want to consider abortion as an option, as it goes against my personal beliefs and desires.

What should I do in this complex situation? I want to handle it with care and make the best decision for everyone involved.

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