Veteran Ghanaian actor, Koo Fori has shockingly revealed in a new interview that he has never tasted alcohol in his entire life, contrary to the very thing he personifies in movies.
It’s no secret there’s no Ghanaian actor who can play the role of a drunkard better than Koo Fori, real name Seth Kwabena Kyere Karikari so this new revelation that he has not tasted alcohol before has greatly shocked some people.
During an interview on Hitz FM, he said:
“I have never drunk alcohol before, Never in my life. Immediately I get into the act of a drunkard, I begin to sweat and I do not know where it comes from. Psychologically, it has taken effect on me”.
He said because he’s not a drunkard, his mother wept the first time he saw him on TV drunk.
” My mother cried bitterly the first day she saw me on TV, playing the role of a drunkard. I explained to her but it took her a very long time for her to understand. “