Efia Ofo has advised men with details how they should help their wife’s to get a good looking shape instead of going out looking for one.
In a tweet she wrote “Some men will marry and have sexy side chicks. Why don’t you just help your wife to get her sexy back. Go to they gym with her if you think she’s put on weight. Buy her sexy clothes, take her to get her hair done. Motivate her and help boost her self esteem again.”
Apparently some married men do not consider their wife sexy anymore at a certain stage in the marriage leading them to go hunting for a well dressed coca cola body shape side chick of which the end up spending huge amount of monies on.
But to Efia Odo, all a man has to do is to hit the gym with the wife, buy her some good looking clothes and nice Brazilian hairs just like the side chick does. She believes all this will help a man have the sexy body he desires in her wife and put a stop to dealing with side chicks.