The Managing Editor of the Insight Newspaper, Kwesi Pratt Jnr has said he does not see any prospects in the decision by the Akufo-Addo government to run to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for support.

Kwesi Pratt

After witnessing several governments go to the IMF for a bailout over the past decades, the veteran journalists insist that nobody should be under the illusion that the fund will be the saviour of the country following the recent engagements.

Speaking at a public lecture organised by Arise Ghana on Wednesday, July 20, Kwesi Pratt Jnr noted that bad leadership continues to be the bane of this country.

According to him, going to the IMF will not cure the stupidity of leaders that has left the economy of the country on the brink of collapse.

“There are absolutely no prospects in going to the IMF. The IMF and its institutions have been our executioners for years. They are not going to turn into our saviors now.

“If after 19 times we are still where we are then we should begin to question our sanity. Nobody should be under the illusion that IMF wants to construct roads in Ghana, solve our problems, it has never been their objective,” Kwesi Pratt Jnr said at the Public Lecture while speaking on the theme; ‘Ghana’s Socio-economic Outlook, the Prospects of an IMF Programme.’

The renowned journalists continued, “Now someone should tell me how the IMF is going to cure the stupidity of our leaders. Going to the IMF is a bloody waste of time. Tell us only one country in the world which went to the IMF and managed to solve its economic problems. There is not even one.

“The simple truth is that Ghana is facing system collapse. It’s a system that is not working and if we don’t realize that the problem is capitalism, the problems will still be there.”

He further indicated that for things to change, the citizenry must rise and demand leaders to start thinking outside the box.

He proposes that Ghanaians mount pressure on leaders for the right things to be done to move the country forward in development.