
Expect Disrespect Tax In The Coming Days – A Plus Mocks After Akufo-Addo Booed Off Stage

A Plus, a stage name for Kwame Asare Obeng, has cynically warned those who booed President Akufo-Addo to prepare for a tax on disrespect in the coming days.

A Plus posted the following on his official Facebook page.

“Those of you who booed the president might anticipate paying a disrespect fee soon. You claim to have no respect, Abi. Wait!”.

The lighthearted remarks of A Plus serve as a preamble to yesterday’s booing of President Akufo-Addo at the Global Citizen Festival. The president spoke throughout the event while standing on stage. “All the globe have converged to Ghana,” he said to begin. The attendees began to say, “Away, away, away.”

It’s unclear why the people scorn president Akufo-Addo but maybe because of the hardship in the country. Maybe, the majority of people there were not happy with this president. They broke the ice and booed him.

Reactions To A Plus Post

“He hasn’t seen anything yet, Ghanaians take time to gather, if they’re gathered, no amount of forces can defeat them and Akuffo Addo knows that very well. Next time, they should not invite him to a program like that.” A user wrote.

Others commented that its bad for some Ghanaians to boo their own president. They believe it’s a total disrespect.

“I don’t like the President but let’s all try our possible best to respect him and also respect his office. I think this below the belt.” A user wrote.

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