
Dating a sugar daddy is profitable than dating small boys – Lady explains

A lady has explained why dating a sugar daddy is profitable and the benefits far exceed dating one’s age mates or what she describes as small boys.

According to Abike, she will advise ladies to go in for sugar daddies and shun the company of small boys because of the monetary benefits they would get.

"Dating a sugar daddy is profitable than dating small boys" – Lady explains

In a tweet, she said the older men give out more money but demand little sex since they are not strong and energetic enough to go on a long haul. Meanwhile, the small boys give out little or no money but their demand for sex is very incessant and persistent.

“Make I no lie, Having a sugar daddy is better than following all these small small boys that gives chicken change, people wey no dey get strength to nack like that, they go give you better Kpa ontop but all these small boys chai, they go nack you tire come give you 9k for hair,” she wrote.


Some of the comments Abike’s post received are as follows:






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