Crime and Punishment

CCTV Videos: Two ‘old’ men caught pants down stealing at Tip Toe Lane phone shop

Luck eluded 64 year old Emmanuel Noi and 49 year old accomplice Christopher Nii William Offei when they were arrested at a mobile phone shop at Circle tiptoe lane in an attempt to steal a phone after undertaking similar operations at Spintex.

Christopher William Nii Offei engaged the shop attendant in a conversation to distract him whilst the other suspect attempted to steal an iphone but luck eluded them when the shop owner Collins Dwamena suddenly appeared and they were arrested. He took them to the Tesano Police station.

The complainant stated that he was able to identify them from a CCTV footage which was circulated sometime ago which captured the suspects using same modus operandi to steal a laptop from a shop at Spintex.

Upon their arrest, one Theresah Afful manager of Franco Trading Osu branch came to the station and reported that in the month of september 2020, the same men were captured on their CCTV footage stealing an HP laptop computer valued Gh2,700. The two suspects are in police custody assisting with investigations.

They will be processed for court as soon as investigation is done.



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