Ghanaian musical duo, consisting of twins, Lydia Dedei Yawson (nee Tagoe) and Elizabeth Korkoi Tagoe, have disclosed how they came about their stage name ‘Tagoe...
The family of Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia Monday called on President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo at the Jubilee House, Accra, to express their appreciation...
The Circuit Court in Accra presided over by Justice Emmanuel Essandoh has ordered the Prosecution to release the mobile phones taken away from Charles Nii...
management of Kumawood star, Oboy Siki has banned the actor from all media engagements following his recent comments about his sexual escapades. According to the...
Popular Ghanaian social media icon, Andrea Owusu has declined an invitation to become a member of the National Democratic Congress(NDC), saying she will join a...