
Angels Envy Humans Because Of S3x And Freedom – Ajagurajah

Leader of the Universal Spiritual Outreach, Prophet Kwabena Boakye Asiamah who is popularly known as Ajagurajah, has stated that angels are envious of humans because of freedom and access to sex.

He claims that while it is acceptable for people to have sex with their female partners, it is not permissible for angles to have an affair with another angle despite the fact that angels have feelings for one another.

Ajagurajah also claimed that some female angels come down to the earth from heaven in order to have affairs with men.

Speaking in an interview with Neat FM, on March 20, 2023, he explained: “If there was happiness up there, will they have come down here? …they don’t have the power to sleep with colleague angels…an angel cannot sleep with a fellow angel but they can sleep with demons. They don’t have the power to intermarry.

“Angels have sperms and female angels have vaginas and breasts. Female angels have also been descending to sleep with men and giving birth.

“Why is it that God doesn’t want angels to have sex? That’s why angels are envious of us, angels don’t like us…and most of them don’t like us … I have angels that are part of my (things) but they don’t like me…because we get some to eat (sex) and they don’t get some to eat. We’ve freedom and they don’t have freedom,” he stressed.

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