
All STC services resume tomorrow 23rd April 2020 and revised terms and conditions for carriage of passengers and luggage’s

The following conditions apply in relation to the carriage of any person as a passenger (together with any luggage accompanying that person) on any vehicle. Every person so carried shall be regarded as having accepted and agreed to the said conditions as the conditions of a carriage between himself/herself and the transport operator.


(a) No passenger shall be entitled to take with him/her free of charge on any journey any luggage that is supposed to go in the boot of the bus.

(b) Any passenger accompanied by a luggage that goes under the boot of the bus shall be charged in respect of the baggage according to the appropriate tariff for the time being in force.


(a) The operator’s liability for damages sustained in the event of death, wounding or any other bodily injury by a passenger in the event of an accident shall not be subject to any financial limit, it shall be determined by our insurers.

(b) The operator will not be responsible for illness, injury or disability, including death, attributable to a passenger’s physical condition or the aggravation of such condition.


(a) The operator will not be liable for damage to unchecked baggage unless such damage is cause by our negligence.

(b) The liability of the operator in case of a loss or damage to Property shall be determined by fair and impartial assessment of circumstances surrounding the loss or damage.

(c ) if the loss or damage was wholly and absolutely caused by the Company or its agents, the Company shall be responsible for same.

If the loss or damage arose from the negligence of the passenger, the Company shall bear no responsibility thereof. In the event of a loss or damage arising from joint negligence of both parties, both parties will negotiate proportions liability based on facts and circumstances known at that time.

(d) The Company is not liable for any damage caused by passenger’s baggage. Passenger shall be responsible for any damage caused by own baggage to other persons or property, including Company’s property.

(e) No passenger shall carry money, cheque or jewellery, precious metals, negotiable papers, securities or other valuable business documents, passports and other documentation papers in a luggage which goes under the boot of the bus. A passenger does so at his/her own risk. The Company shall not accept liability.

(f) Unchecked luggage that goes into the bus with the passenger who is responsible for it must not be more than the size 18″ x 16″ x 9″ or 20″ x 14″ x 8″ and must be stowed under the seat of the bus.

(g) No passenger must include in his/her baggage items which are likely to endanger the Company’s vehicle or persons or property on board the vehicle.

(h) No passenger shall board the Company’s vehicle with items the carriage of which is prohibited by the applicable laws, regulations, or orders of the Country of departure and destination.

(i) No passenger shall board the Company’s vehicle with items which are considered by us to be unsuitable by reason of their weight, size, shape or character or which are fragile or perishable.

(j) All luggage shall be placed in the vehicle by a conductor or an official authorized by the Company and NOT by the passenger himself/herself. Luggage must also be REMOVED by THE CONDUCTOR, DRIVER OR OFFICIAL with a passenger surrendering the claim portion of the luggage tag to the Conductor/Driver/Official.

(k) If despite being prohibited any items referred to in the above paragraphs are included in a passenger’s luggage we shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to such items.


(a) Every passenger shall upon being requested by the conductor or an official of the Company pay to the conductor or to the official (as the case may be) the appropriate fare for the journey, being the fare specified in the table of fares for the time being in force, and the passenger shall thereupon be supplied with a ticket corresponding to the fare.

(b) The said table of fares in readable characters shall be posted on the Company’s notice board at all stations.

(c) All breakable luggage shall be declared to the Official/Agent of the Company for the appropriate tariff before it goes under the boot of the bus.

(d) Every passenger shall upon being requested by the conductor or an official of the Company produce his/her ticket; in the case of a passenger traveling on Company’s business, an employee of the Company, his/her family and the disabled, produce the specified free bus pass.

(e) Any passenger who (without reasonable excuse) fails to produce his/her ticket or free bus pass as aforesaid, shall pay double the normal fare to the conductor or official (as the case may be) before being allowed to continue the journey.

(f) All tickets issued by the Company shall be valid only for the duration of the journey for which they are issued.

(g) Tickets shall not be transferable except otherwise specified.

(h) A return ticket holder shall confirm his/her journey to the Sales Assistant either personally, by phone or at least an hour prior to the departure time.

(i) In case of either loss or mutilation of a ticket or non-presentation of a ticket, we will on your request if the ticket has been issued by us or one of our agents on our behalf, replace such ticket by issuing a new ticket provided there is evidence, readily ascertainable at the time, that a ticket valued for the journey in question was duly issued.

(j) You (passenger) may be refused to board the Company’s vehicle if you present a ticket that has been acquired unlawfully, has been purchased from an entity other than us or our authorized agent, or has been reported as being lost or stolen or is a counterfeit.

(k) You (passenger) may be refused to board the Company’s vehicle if you present a ticket which has been issued or altered in anyway, other than by us or authorized agent, or if the ticket is mutilated.


No passenger shall make any attempt to enter or alight from the vehicle while it is in motion. Any person who contravenes this does so at his/her own risk.


No passenger shall travel in a vehicle except in a seat provided for the purpose, and all gangways and doors shall be kept free of passengers and luggage while the vehicle is in motion. Any person who contravenes this does so at his own risk.


No person shall travel in any of the operator’s vehicles if that person has in his/her possession any of the following articles, that is to say:

(i) a loaded fire-arm/explosives,
(ii) any offensive weapon or instrument.
(iii) any contraband goods including drugs.
(iv) any alcohol in any container other than mechanically sealed ones,
(v) any article likely to communicate an infectious or contagious disease,
(vi) un-custom d goods,
(vii) any livestock

Any person contravening this condition shall forfeit his/her fare and shall be liable to be removed summarily from the vehicle by the conductor or an official of the Company unless such person abandons the offensive article.


No person shall smoke in a vehicle, swear or use offensive language or quarrel or spit or commit any nuisance or do anything likely to interfere with the comfort of any passenger. Any person contravening this condition shall forfeit his/her fare and shall be liable to be removed summarily from the vehicle by the conductor or an official of the Company and may be prosecuted for offences committed on board the vehicle.


(a) No person who is intoxicated or mentally derailed who knows or has cause to believe that he has an infectious or contagious disease shall enter or be in a vehicle. Any person contravening this condition shall forfeit his/her fare and be liable to be removed summarily from the vehicle by the conductor or an official.

(b) Physically weak individuals considered unhealthy or unsafe to travel unaccompanied.


Acceptance for carriage of unaccompanied children, incapacitated persons, pregnant women, and persons with illness or other people requiring special assistance is subject to prior arrangements with us.


(a) No unauthorized person shall cut, tear, soil, damage or temper with any part of the vehicle or remove or deface any notice posted by the Company inside or outside the vehicle.

(b) Any person contravening this condition shall, be liable to compensate the Company for any damage caused by the contravention, and the conductor or official of the Company shall take any reasonable means to demand such compensation on the spot.


Any person whose clothing, in the opinion of the conductor or an official may soil the vehicle or the clothing of other passenger(s) or whose appearance or behaviour appears objectionable or likely to cause offense may be prevented from entering the vehicle by the conductor or the official if he has already entered the vehicle and his/her fare refunded to him/her.


No person shall obstruct or interfere with the operation of the vehicle or with any servant or agent of the Company performing duties in connection with the operation of the vehicle. Any person who does so shall be removed from the vehicle or prevented from entering the vehicle if he/she is not already in the vehicle. In each case the fare shall be refunded.


Any person who enters in to the contract of carriage by road transport with the Company may also agree in addition, to make arrangements to provide whether by it or by third parties, additional services. The Company shall have no liability to you for such arrangement (including for any act or omission, non provision or delay) whether in breach of contract or otherwise, except for liability for negligence on the Company’s part in making such arrangements, which liability shall be subjected to fair assessment.


Where the conductor or official of the Company is of the opinion that any luggage proposed to be brought onto the vehicle by any person is of such bulk or shape as to be likely to inconvenience any passenger or to interfere with the proper operation of the vehicle the conductor or an official (as the case may) may forbid such person to enter the vehicle with that luggage.

Where the conductor or official of the Company is of the opinion that any load proposed to be brought under the boot of the vehicle by any person is of such bulk, or shape or of any nature likely to cause financial hardship to the Company (in case of damage), the conductor or official (as the case may be) may forbid such person to board the vehicle with such a load.


(a) The Company reserves to itself the right to dispose of any property left on a vehicle if that property is not claimed within three (3) months of the date on which it was so left; without any liability to the Company. And any such claim shall be made in writing to the Regional Manager at the originating station, giving proof that he/she satisfied all the conditions required for the carriage of the luggage.

(b) If a person claiming checked baggage is unable to produce the baggage check and identify the baggage by means of a baggage identification tag, we will deliver the baggage to such person only on condition that he or she established to our satisfaction his or her right to the baggage.


No person shall preach or engage in sales promotion in the Company’s vehicle. Any such person found doing so shall be summarily removed from the vehicle and forfeit his/her fare.


If you are denied entry into any Country, you must pay to us the cost of any fare or charge assessed against us by the Government concerned. The fare collected for carriage to the point of denied entry will not be refunded by us.

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