
Adwensu wuoyim JHS students study under death Trap


The harsh conditions under which the pupils learn is discouraging parents from enrolling their children of school going age for fear of endangering their lives.

Teachers are compelled to close early when the clouds gather as the school population battle with all kinds of reptiles to acquire knowledge.






Established in 1956 with 3-unit classroom block built, Adwensu Wuoyim Junior High School has never seen any major renovation. Because of that they have moved the children from death trap building to uncompleted building.





This has affected effective teaching and learning.
The school structure from form 1 to 3 is in tatters with dusty floors exposing teachers and pupils to harsh weather conditions and infections.

The nature of the school structure is demoralizing teachers anytime they set foot into the classrooms, the headmaster of the School Mr Andrews told Ahotor fm news reporter Eric Nyarko on the condition of school building.

The woefully inadequate teaching and learning materials including text books is also a major worry to the teachers.




The school has no computer lab for ICT practicals but writes examination on the subject. Also, it has no office therefore a few teaching and learning materials are kept in his office.







He added, all Teachers in the School are (9) commute about miles to School from Koforidua and Somanya everyday due to lack of teachers’ bungalow. Because of that they are using old two classrooms as bedroom, four (4) teachers sleeping in one room and other five (5) too using one.



Some of the teachers don’t want to teach in the school due to deplorable nature of the school building.
Currently the school has a population of 168 pupils. They appealed to the government and other organizations to come to their aid immediately.

The Adwensu Wuoyim chief Samuel Tetteh also speaking with Ahotor fm news reporter Eric Nyarko, appealed to the government and other philanthropists to come to their aid. If they refused 2020 general elections they will advise themselves.

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