
2024 Battle: Bawumia Is The Defending Champion; He’s The Darling Of Kufour And Nana (Part 2)

Statistically, in every general election, a political party has its established core votes. The NPP has over the years depicted our ability to gain about 46%-47% of the core votes in every election. In 2008 elections which witnessed the maiden appearance of the distinguished and accomplished economist Dr. Bawumia on the world stage of politics, the NPP which he helped in chalking an impressive record of governance won the first round of that elections. Indeed, 2008 saw the selection of John Mahama of the NDC who has been an MP for over 8 years as a running mate in much the same way as Dr. Bawumia. One would have expected John Mahama to bring his experience to bear in doing better than a purported new entrant of politics. But, essentially, the record of the 2008 elections clearly recommends the positive impact of having Dr. Bawumia on the Akufo-Addo and NPP ticket in terms of votes increment in some northern parts of Ghana than the disappointing efforts of Mahama on the NDC ticket in northern parts such as, Gonja and Northern region. Of course, achievement matters for every government going into an election, but the suitability and appeal of the faces on the ticket is even of critical importance.

Significantly, in 2008 general elections, the NPP increased its votes in Yagaba Kubore from 31% in 2004 to 41.5% in Walewale the NPP saw an increase of 10% i.e. 29.5% in 2004 to 39.2% in 2008; and as regards Nalerigu Constituency, NPP increased its votes from 29% to 32%. What’s clear from this data is that, Dr Bawumia indeed has been accepted as a magnetic force who has the impetus to attract huge following even on his maiden appearance on the political stage. Likewise, the data demonstrates Dr. Bawumia as a likeable and much sought after politician in Ghana. The 2008 data is essentially a better test for the power in brand Bawumia and with 2008 as a guide, were we to be surprised about the subsequent faster learning and faster political improvement of Dr Bawumia in respect of NPP’S electoral strengths? However, it seems appropriate to consider 2020 as the ‘maturing’ stage of brand Bawumia. The 2020 record is one of unprecedented and extremely good. The surprises in 2020 elections is one that would endure for long in the annals of Ghana’s history. It will be said that, when the NPP was in dire and desperate need for a life support, the North responded. It will be spoken of 2020 as, the revealing year which demonstrated the accomplishments and a real feather in the cap of the consummate Dr Bawumia. It’s worthy to note that, the meaning to be derived from accumulations of these material and firm facts about Dr Bawumia is in its ability to guarantee the NPP the important core 46%/47% vote in 2024. It discloses to the ordinary man that, Dr Bawumia is the desire and choice of the New Patriotic Party.

In contrast to others such as Alan Kyeremanten, who, as recent as 2014 struggled to gather 4% votes in an internal election of NPP Presidential Primaries, and even woefully lost in his own Ayawaso west wuogon constituency to President Nana Akufo-Addo, it’s easily concluded that, the “declining appeal” of Alan Kyeremanten is lacking in content and critical elements necessary to whip up the core votes of the NPP in any general elections. This is a matter of record and hard facts. Indeed, the appearance of disconnection between Alan and the NPP has been described as a threat to the future fortunes of the NPP.

Historical advantage of Dr. Bawumia:

As has been much talked about, history favours Dr Bawumia whichever approach it’s analysed. The NPP, in its being, has great respect for history. Perception in politics, as aptly captured by the respectful Diplomat Mr. Isaac Osei, ‘mimics reality.’ Indeed, fortunately as it seems, the NPP is gradually changing the tribal campaign waged decades ago by our common anti-Ghanaian opponents, NDC. The magic results from the Northern Ghana in 2020 elections demonstrates how weakened the ‘Akan’ tag is and its rate of fading. Nonetheless, it’s within NPP’S interest to endorse Dr Bawumia to lead it, owing to his demonstrable competence in governance, visionary thinking and deep connectedness with the NPP rank and file. Unlike Alan who will campaign to be elected to lead NPP because he is ‘a fante’, Dr Bawumia has shown his ability to unite Ghana and the Ghanaian people. It must be put on record that, Dr Bawumia since 2008, whether during elections or not, has continuously expressed such traits in his ability to unite religion, tribes, and cultures. To mention few,Reverend Eastwood Anaba in describing Dr Bawumia said that ‘the humility of the Doctor (Bawumia) was just fascinating,” emphasis mine. Similarly, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Accra, Rt. Rev. Dr. Daniel S.M Torto, spoke of Dr Bawumia as ‘I take pride to say that such a unique leader who believes in religious tolerance and acceptance is the number two gentleman of my country…. Mr Vice President, I do not intend to flatter you but I just say the whole world, the entirety of Ghana and the Christian community has taken a keen interest in your humility, respect for people…’ This vividly confirms the embodiment of Dr Bawumia and what the NPP stands to gain from his being.

President Kufour in endorsing his staunch believe in Dr Bawumia related that, in this time of “technocracy and solutions oriented applications, the nation must count itself fortunate to have such a son as Alhaj Mahamudu Bawumia.” According to President Kufour, Dr. Bawumia ‘rightly fitted the role of the much-needed analyst to help Ghanaians appreciate the challenges facing the economy.’ President Akufo-Addo on the other hand has described Dr Bawumia as ‘first class assistant.’ Alternatively, having endeared himself to the middle class with his often confident engagements with them in clarifying contentious economic and digital contents, Dr Bawumia’s appeal to what we call “floating votes is not in doubt. It’s daring to say that, any research carried out today, will corroborate same.

Thus far, the search for successor to President Akufo-Addo seems not to be a difficult one to make. Indeed, politics and for that matter, elections, is hinged on statistics, data and not about paying for a service to some people to sleep on the floor for somebody; after all, we should let sleeping dogs lie. From the foregoing, Dr Bawumia will be the most favourably accepted Presidential candidate by the NPP rank and file. In the same vein, Dr Bawumia is the most appealing and likeable person by the Ghanaian people. With the ability of Dr Bawumia to implement and work on inventive concepts among others for the people of Ghana, he may not be only darling of Kufour and Nana, but a darling of the Ghanaian people.




Source: Kwame Osei Kufour,  Apagya fie, Kumasi kkuf1972@gmail.com.

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