
11,734 academic certificates of gov’t workers suspicious – Auditor General’s Report

About 11, 734 academic certificates presented by some government workers either for promotion or confirmation of appointments have been queried by the Auditor General ‘s Department following suspicion that they were fraudulently acquired.

A total of 7,407 out of the 19,203 suspicious certificates by the Auditor General’s Department were confirmed to be genuine, according to the Auditor General’s Report on Nationwide Payroll.

62 of the certificates were however found to be out rightly fake

“Owing to the challenges encountered by the universities in querying our data, they were unable to confirm the outstanding 11,734 certificates”, the report added.

“We, therefore, provided the data to the heads of MDAs/MMDAs to liaise with the awarding institutions to confirm the certificates and submit a report for our attention”, the report stated.

The Auditor General’s Department has been suspicious that 19,203 academic certificates presented by public sector workers for employment were fraudulent.

Meanwhile, the names of 84 employees who had attained the statutory retirement age, and had no contract extension, were still on the payroll.

To ensure full compliance with the provisions of the Constitution, the Auditor General is urging the Controller and Accountant General’s Department to ensure proper configuration of the payroll system.

“We noted that the payroll system had not been properly configured to terminate automatically, records of employees who attain the statutory retirement age”, the report said.

During the Nationwide Enumeration Exercise, the employees on the CAGD payroll were through public notices, invited to participate in an enumeration exercise that sought to confirm their true existence, consistency of their grades with their respective appointment/promotion letters, and the genuineness of their academic qualifications.




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